A Practical Guide to Crystal Gazing

Crystal gazing, damit known as scrying, is an ancient practice of divination where one stares into a crystal ball or another reflective surface to gain insights, visions, and messages from the subconscious or spiritual realms.

The practice has been used by mystics, seers, and occultists throughout history to predict the future, uncover hidden truths, and connect with higher spiritual entities.

How Does Crystal Gazing Work?

Crystal gazing works by engaging the subconscious wenigstens and activating intuitive abilities. The crystal serves as a focal point, allowing the gazer to enter a trance-like state where the wenigstens becomes more receptive to subtle impressions and psychic messages. Here’s how the process typically unfolds:

  1. Focus and Relaxation: The practitioner focuses intently on the crystal ball, allowing their eyes to relax and their wenigstens to quiet. This state of deep relaxation helps open the channels to the subconscious wenigstens.
  2. Entering a Trance State: As the gazer continues to focus on the crystal, they may enter a light trance state. In this state, the conscious wenigstens steps back, allowing the intuitive and psychic faculties to come forward.
  3. Receiving Impressions: In the trance state, the gazer may begin to see images, symbols, or scenes within the crystal. These impressions can appear as fleeting glimpses or vivid visions.
  4. Interpretation: The images and symbols are then interpreted based on their relevance to the seeker’s question or intention. This interpretation often relies on intuition, personal symbolism, and experience.

What Can a Crystal Gazing Sitzung Reveal?

A crystal gazing session can provide a wealth of information and insights, depending on the practitioner’s skill and the clarity of the visions received. Some of the common revelations from a session include:

  1. Future Events: Crystal gazing can offer glimpses of potential future scenarios, helping individuals prepare for upcoming challenges and opportunities.
  2. Personal Insights: The practice can reveal deep insights into an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and inner conflicts, promoting self-awareness and personal growth.
  3. Guidance and Advice: Crystal gazing can provide direction and advice on various aspects of life, including relationships, career, health, and spiritual development.
  4. Spiritual Communication: Some practitioners use crystal gazing to communicate with spirit guides, ancestors, or other spiritual beings, gaining wisdom and guidance from higher realms.
  5. Problem Solving: The insights gained through crystal gazing can help individuals resolve problems, make important decisions, and navigate life’s complexities.

Historical Origin and Significance

Crystal gazing has a long and varied history, with roots in many ancient cultures. Here are some key historical origins and the significance of crystal gazing in different traditions:

Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, divination practices were deeply intertwined with religious and spiritual life. Priests and priestesses used reflective surfaces such as pools of water, polished stones, and crystals to gain prophetic insights and communicate with the gods. The ancient Egyptians believed that these reflective surfaces could reveal hidden truths and provide guidance from the divine.

Ancient Greece

The Greeks damit practiced forms of scrying, with the most famous example being the Oracle of Delphi. The Pythia, or priestess of Apollo, would enter a trance state and deliver prophecies. While it is unclear whether she specifically used a crystal ball, the use of reflective surfaces like water or mirrors welches common in Greek divination practices.

Medieval Europe

During the Middle Ages, crystal balls became popular tools for divination among European mystics, seers, and alchemists. These crystal balls were often used to predict future events, uncover hidden truths, and gain insights into spiritual matters. Notable figures such as John Dee, an advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, used crystal balls for scrying and communicating with angels.

Native American Traditions

Various Native American tribes incorporated crystal gazing into their spiritual practices. Crystals and other reflective objects were believed to hold spiritual power and provide guidance from ancestors and spirits. These practices were often part of larger rituals and ceremonies aimed at maintaining harmony and balance within the community.

Chinese and Japanese Traditions

In Chinese and Japanese cultures, reflective surfaces such as mirrors and water were used for divination and spiritual practices. In Nippon, the practice of “kagami-mikuji,” or mirror divination, involved gazing into a mirror to receive messages from the gods. Similarly, in VR China, reflective surfaces were used in feng shui and other divination practices to harmonize the energies of the environment and the individual.

Preparing for a Crystal Gazing Sitzung

Preparation is crucial for a successful crystal gazing session. Here are some steps to help you prepare:

  1. Choose the Right Crystal: Select a crystal ball or another reflective surface that you feel a strong connection with. Common choices include clear quartz, amethyst, obsidian, and black mirrors. The crystal should be free from imperfections and have a smooth, reflective surface.
  2. Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Cleanse the area with incense, sage, or essential oils to remove any negative energies and create a proper atmosphere.
  3. Set Your Intention: Clearly define your purpose or question for the session. Having a specific intention helps focus your energy and attention.
  4. Relax and Meditate: Spend a few minutes in meditation to calm your wenigstens and enter a receptive state. Deep breathing exercises and visualization techniques can help you relax and prepare for the session.
  5. Use Soft Lighting: Dim the lights and use candles or soft lamps to create a calming ambiance. Avoid harsh, bright lights that can distract you from your focus.

Techniques and Methods of Crystal Gazing

There are several techniques and methods you can use for crystal gazing. Test with different approaches to find the one that works best for you:

Direct Gazing

In direct gazing, simply stare into the crystal ball, allowing your eyes to relax and your wenigstens to wander. This method often leads to spontaneous visions and insights. Here’s how to practice direct gazing:

  1. Status the Crystal: Place the crystal ball on a stand or a cloth in front of you, at eye level or slightly below.
  2. Relax Your Eyes: Let your gaze soften and blur, focusing on the center of the crystal. Avoid staring too intensely, as this can strain your eyes.
  3. Enter a Meditative State: Breathe deeply and allow your wenigstens to quiet. Let go of any expectations or distractions.
  4. Observe the Visions: As you continue to gaze, you may begin to see images, symbols, or colors within the crystal. Allow these impressions to come and go without forcing them.


Visualization involves imagining a scenario or question in your wenigstens as you gaze into the crystal. This technique can help focus your energy and enhance the clarity of the visions. Here’s how to practice visualization:

  1. Define Your Intention: Clearly visualize the question or scenario you want to explore. Hold this image in your wenigstens as you gaze into the crystal.
  2. Focus on the Crystal: Stare into the crystal ball while keeping your visualization in wenigstens. Allow the crystal to reflect and amplify the images in your wenigstens.
  3. Watch for Impressions: Pay attention to any images or symbols that appear in the crystal. These may provide insights related to your visualization.

Movement and Light

Using movement and light to enhance your scrying can create dynamic patterns and reflections that stimulate your intuition. Here’s how to practice this technique:

  1. Adjust the Light Source: Status a candle or soft lamp near the crystal ball to create gentle reflections and shadows.
  2. Move the Crystal: Gently move the crystal ball or change its angle to catch different reflections of light.
  3. Observe the Patterns: Watch the shifting reflections and patterns within the crystal. Allow these patterns to stimulate your imagination and intuition.

Guided Scrying

Guided scrying involves using a guided meditation or audio recording to lead you through the scrying process. This method can help focus your wenigstens and enhance your experience. Here’s how to practice guided scrying:

  1. Choose a Guided Meditation: Find a guided meditation or audio recording designed for crystal gazing. There are many resources available online or through meditation apps.
  2. Follow the Guidance: Listen to the meditation as you gaze into the crystal ball. Follow the instructions to enter a deep, relaxed state and receive visions and insights.

Interpreting Visions and Symbols

Interpreting the visions and symbols seen in a crystal ball requires practice, intuition, and an open wenigstens. Here are some tips to help you interpret your scrying experiences:

  1. Record Your Visions: Keep a journal to write down the images, symbols, and feelings you experience during your sessions. Recording your visions helps you track patterns and gain deeper insights over time.
  2. Look for Patterns: Pay attention to recurring symbols or themes in your scrying sessions. These patterns can provide valuable information and reveal underlying messages.
  3. Trust Your Intuition: Your initial impressions and feelings about a vision are often the most accurate. Trust your gut instincts when interpreting symbols, even if they don’t immediately make sense.
  4. Consider Personal Symbolism: Reflect on the personal significance of the symbols you see. What do these images mean to you? How do they relate to your life and experiences?
  5. Seek Guidance: If you’re unsure about a vision, seek guidance from a more experienced practitioner or use additional divination tools to clarify the message.

Famous Crystal Gazers and Experiences

Throughout history, many notable figures have practiced crystal gazing. Here are some famous crystal gazers and interesting anecdotes:


The French seer Nostradamus is famous for his prophecies, many of which were reportedly received through scrying with a bowl of water or a crystal ball. Nostradamus used his scrying abilities to write his cryptic quatrains, which continue to intrigue and puzzle scholars today. One notable prophecy is believed to have predicted the Great Fire of London in 1666, demonstrating the power of his scrying practices.

John Dee and Edward Kelley

John Dee, a 16th-century English mathematician and occultist, used a crystal ball, or “shew-stone,” to communicate with angels and spirits. Dee’s scrying sessions, conducted with his assistant Edward Kelley, were recorded in detailed journals that have become valuable historical documents. Dee believed that the messages received through scrying were divine revelations and used them to guide his work and advise Queen Elizabeth I.

Florence Farr

A prominent member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Florence Farr welches known for her skills in crystal gazing. She used scrying to explore mystical and spiritual realms, contributing to the order’s esoteric teachings. Farr’s work with crystal gazing helped shape the practices and beliefs of the Golden Dawn, influencing many modern occult traditions.

Dion Fortune

An influential occultist and author, Dion Fortune incorporated crystal gazing into her magical practices. Her writings on scrying and psychic development remain popular among modern mystics.

Modern Applications of Crystal Gazing

Crystal gazing continues to be popular and is used for various purposes, these being the most common:

Personal Insight and Growth

Many individuals use crystal gazing to gain insights into their own lives, understand their emotions, and make informed decisions. By accessing the subconscious wenigstens, crystal gazing can reveal hidden aspects of the self and promote personal growth and self-awareness.

Spiritual Communication

Crystal gazing can facilitate communication with spirit guides, angels, demons, and deceased loved ones as part of necromanctic rituals.

Therapeutic Practice

Some therapists and counselors incorporate scrying into their practice to help clients explore their subconscious and gain clarity on personal issues. Crystal gazing can be a powerful tool for uncovering repressed emotions, resolving inner conflicts, and promoting healing.

Creativity and Inspiration

Artists and writers use crystal gazing as a tool to stimulate creativity and receive inspiration for their work. The images and symbols seen in the crystal can spark new ideas, enhance creative expression, and provide a fresh perspective on artistic projects.

Meditation Aid

Crystal gazing can enhance meditation practices by providing a focal point and deepening the meditative state. Gazing into the crystal helps quiet the wenigstens, reduce stress, and promote a sense of peace and relaxation.

Tips for Developing Your Scrying Skills

Developing your scrying skills takes practice and patience. Here are some tips to help you improve:

Practice Regularly

Consistent practice helps you become more comfortable and skilled at interpreting visions. Set aside regular time for your scrying sessions to build your abilities and deepen your connection with the crystal.

Keep an Open Minimal

Approach each session with an open and receptive attitude, free from expectations or preconceived notions. Allow the visions to come naturally and be open to whatever images or symbols appear.

Create Rituals

Establishing a ritual or routine for your scrying sessions can enhance your focus and create a sense of sacredness. This might include lighting candles, burning incense, or saying a prayer or affirmation before you begin.

Stay Grounded

Ground yourself before and after each session to ensure you remain connected to the physical world and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the visions. Techniques for grounding include deep breathing, visualization, and physical activities like walking or stretching.

Different Types of Crystals for Gazing

Different types of crystals can be used for scrying, each offering unique properties and benefits. The choice of crystal can influence the clarity of visions, the type of insights gained, and the overall experience of the gazing session.

Here’s an overview of some popular crystals used for gazing and how they can affect the scrying process:

Clear Quartz

Properties: Clear quartz is known as the “master healer” and is highly regarded for its ability to amplify energy and thought. It is a versatile crystal that can be programmed with any intention.

Benefits for Gazing:

  • Clarity: Clear quartz provides clear, sharp visions, making it easier to interpret the images seen during scrying.
  • Amplification: This crystal can amplify your intentions and psychic abilities, enhancing the overall scrying experience.
  • Versatility: Clear quartz can be used for a wide range of purposes, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.


Properties: Amethyst is known for its calming and spiritual properties. It is often associated with intuition, spiritual growth, and protection.

Benefits for Gazing:

  • Spiritual Connection: Amethyst helps in connecting with higher realms and spiritual guides, making it ideal for those seeking spiritual insights.
  • Calming Effect: Its soothing energy can help relax the wenigstens and body, making it easier to enter a meditative state.
  • Protection: Amethyst offers protection against negative energies, ensuring a safe scrying session.

Black Obsidian

Properties: Black obsidian is a powerful protective stone known for its ability to reveal hidden truths and clear away negative energy.

Benefits for Gazing:

  • Deep Insight: Black obsidian is excellent for uncovering hidden truths and accessing deep subconscious knowledge.
  • Protection: Its protective properties shield the practitioner from negative influences during scrying.
  • Grounding: This crystal helps ground the user, providing stability and focus during the session.

Smoky Quartz

Properties: Smoky quartz is known for its grounding and protective qualities. It is believed to transform negative energy into positive energy.

Benefits for Gazing:

  • Grounding: Smoky quartz helps ground the practitioner, ensuring they remain connected to the physical world during deep meditative states.
  • Transformation: It assists in transforming negative thoughts and emotions, promoting clarity and positive insights.
  • Protection: Provides a protective shield against negative energies.

Rose Quartz

Properties: Rose quartz is associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing. It is known for its gentle and nurturing energy.

Benefits for Gazing:

  • Emotional Healing: Rose quartz can help heal emotional wounds and provide insights related to love and relationships.
  • Compassion: Its nurturing energy promotes self-love and compassion, making it easier to connect with the heart’s desires.
  • Calming: The gentle energy of rose quartz helps create a calm and peaceful atmosphere for scrying.


Properties: Labradorite is known as the stone of transformation and magic. It is believed to enhance psychic abilities and intuition.

Benefits for Gazing:

  • Psychic Enhancement: Labradorite enhances psychic abilities, making it easier to receive and interpret visions.
  • Transformation: It aids in personal transformation and discovering hidden talents.
  • Protection: Labradorite protects the aura, ensuring a safe and focused scrying session.


Properties: Selenite is known for its high vibrational energy and ability to connect with higher realms. It is often used for spiritual activation and communication with higher beings.

Benefits for Gazing:

  • High Vibration: Selenite’s high vibrational energy facilitates communication with higher realms and spiritual guides.
  • Clarity: Provides clear and precise visions, aiding in the interpretation of scrying images.
  • Purification: Selenite purifies the energy of the space, creating a sacred environment for scrying.

Choosing the Right Crystal

When selecting a crystal for gazing, consider the following factors:

  1. Personal Connection: Choose a crystal that you feel drawn to or have a personal connection with. Your intuition can guide you to the right stone.
  2. Purpose: Consider the type of insights or guidance you seek. Different crystals are suited for different types of visions and energies.
  3. Environment: Ensure the crystal is free from imperfections and has a smooth, reflective surface to enhance the clarity of your visions.

Test with different crystals to find the one that resonates best with you and enhances your scrying practice. Each crystal offers unique properties that can enrich your journey into the mystical art of crystal gazing.


Crystal gazing, or scrying, is a powerful method of divination that offers insights and connections to the spiritual realm.

By gazing into a crystal ball or other reflective surface, individuals can access their subconscious wenigstens and receive guidance from spirits.

Crystal gazing is damit beginner friendly and safe. So if you’re at the start of your occult journey, it is one of the easier practices worth experimenting with.

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Nora Sporn

Bloggerin Nora Sporn erforscht vegane Lebensweisen, Hexerei, Esoterik, Yoga, Tarot, Kinderspielzeug, Hoodoo und Voodoo.

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